Yesterday I got to go to the Art of the Pot workshop at the Eye of the Dog art center; Ryan took me along as an assistant! It was a ton of fun, and really cool to see all of the AOTP artists working.
Claudia Reese had a lot of really cool techniques, such as some pretty spiffy stencils she makes herself. I've never gotten into handbuilding much, but I love the way she decorates her pieces, so I was really excited to watch her work.
Chris Campbell actually taught one of my classes at Southwestern, but its always cool to see him work. Its good for me to watch him work off the hump; I don't do it much and I should probably work on it more :) I especially had fun watching Keith Kreeger make his teapot, he did some cool stuff with the spout and the handle that I hadn't seen before.
It being the Eye of the Dog studio, it wasn't surprising that there were lots of dogs!
Lunch was some delicious chicken and sausage that Billy Ray made and a bunch of sides that everyone brought. Very tasty, and a little bit difficult to stay awake after...
This little dog spent the entire 6 hr workshop trying to get people to throw her frisbee :P She did get some people to cooperate, but not as much as she would have liked.
It was also fun to see Ryan making the holes in this handle. I've seen the finished product before, but never seen him in process.
Lisa Orr shared with us her special technique for transporting her pots short distance: packing tape.
The party ended with a great jam session!