Sorry it's been so long since I've posted, but the last few weeks have been extremely busy for me! I've been working a lot with Clayways, both helping with kilns and teaching kids camps, and also with some of the
Project ClayPlay classes. Its been fun helping with the camps and classes especially, but with working 20-30 hrs a week at my day job and 10-20 hrs with Clayways I've hardly had any time to myself!

The only throwing I've done in the last month is a few bowls for a Project ClayPlay fundraiser, though a few weeks ago I did manage to finish up the last throwing project I had started, some butter dishes. I got the idea for these from a
video I found online. You throw the rim of the bottom dish and the walls of the top dish together with no bottom, then use a slab to make the bottom and top of the two dishes after altering the sides to ovals. It was a cool idea, and I am fairly happy with the way these turned out, but the bottom dishes look too big to me, so next time I may try throwing them separately even though that will take more measuring.
I have also started a totally new and different project: I am making earrings! And possibly some necklace charms too :) I was inspired by some clay earrings I bought at NCECA (pictures in the next post). I have already painted about 8 sets, and I just cut out 6 more pairs today. I am really excited about this new project, and I cannot wait to see some finished ones. I will do a post later this week on them and include some pictures of the painted ones and my sketches.
Lastly some pictures of my awesome pots at the Clayways gallery!! If you are in Austin, stop by and check it out! I am definately still selling stuff through Etsy, in fact hopefully I will get some pictures taken and post a few more pots in the next week or so.