Well, this week has not been very productive in the studio, but it has been at home! Today I finished going through all my boxes of pots from school, and actually sorted them into boxes for etsy, for keeps, and ones I'm going to take to church (stuff I dont wan't, but that isn't nice enough to sell :P). I also took pictures of all the esty pots, and labeled the boxes, so I can tell what pots are in each box by looking at the top, and I can look up which box pots are in from a little notebook I recorded it in! Huzzah, now I actually know I still have all the pots I want to put on etsy. Like the above cups from my senior show (all images of etsy pots are actually linked to their etsy page, if you hadn't noticed :P). So it is nice to have that all done, and over the next couple of days, I will finish posting my old stuff on etsy! Quite exciting :)
a photo/sketch blog of my creative (and not so creative) process in the clay studio
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Gearing up for AOTP! I got all my bottles and small cups bisqued, hope to get most of them into Ryans firing next week so I can see some finished work!! I've been putting a lot of my old stuff on Etsy (like the above bowls), but I can't wait to put up brand new work! Once I get a bunch of stuff up, I will start my advertising campain (ie emailing my friends/family like crazy, and maybe buying a spotlight on etsy?)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Teapot 2

I don't seem to be capable of doing things simply... I am fairly happy with the way this turned out, but it is really busy looking with all the carved space. We will see what it looks like once it's fired. I still need to poke a hole in the lid.. hopefully I remember before it drys :P

I know I promised to make this a photo blog, but I am super excited about this coming summer! It's looking to be a busy one; I'm going to be acting as Ryans sub at the Dougherty arts center, so for a couple months I will probably be firing the kiln there, and possibly teaching a bit; plus I will probably be teaching/assisting with summer classes at Clayways too. It's good to be making connections and doing work related to clay! I really could not have thought of a better situation to end up in after I graduated :)
Monday, April 19, 2010
Peanut Butter!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
More with teapots
Here is teapot #2, which I decided to be lazy for and not pull a handle :P So it has some little lugs, and will be getting a bamboo handle once it's done. I just need to get this and the casserole carved, then I can throw some more things before maybe having to return the wheel at the end of the month. I am going to try really hard to do something other than stripes on this one.. maybe the triangles?
And finished teapot 1!! I love it :D Stripes are my favorite... I think the casserole will end up with them. The best part was carving around the handle and spout :P It was a pain, but worth it! I really can't wait to get some of this stuff fired! Hopefully I will bisque this week and then get most of it in the soda fires in the next few weeks. I am very excited to see how the carved stuff turns out.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A productive day :)
I finished up the last of the tiny cups today, hopefully I will get them bisqued right away so I can get them in a soda-fire and see how Ryans glazes work with my carvings. I should be able to get some finished stuff out pretty soon; lots of firings are happening getting ready for Art of the Pot April 8th and 9th (speaking of which, check out their spiffy new website).
Also got my little planter carved today, which I am excited about. I think I will be keeping this one; some of my succulents need nice pots :D I will probably be making more, though I'm not sure if I will keep on squaring them off.
I poked 5 holes in the bottom since I was making this with my succulents in mind, and they need lots of drainage!
I also got the lidded jar put together, though now it really looks like more of a casserole. A really deep casserole. But that could still be useful :) I put a ridge on the handles when I threw them, but now they just look kind of lumpy.. I may wipe it smoother later on. I think this one will probably have stripes on it too!
I got started carving my first teapot today, but I only had time to do a few stripes. You can kind of see how it will look though, I think I'm going to leave the lid, spout, and handle uncarved, though I may carve the knob a little. I just can't get away from the stripes, I like this design more than any of the other ones!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010

I started carving the little test cups late last night. I will probably stick to the simple designs for these little guys. I like the way they are looking :)

Completely aside from my work... I bought this awesome teapot at Ross the other day! It is made of cast iron and comes with a little strainer and I love it :) It is great for 1 1/2 cups of loose leaf tea :D There is something very satisfying about the weight of the thing.

Lastly, I am starting to work on a logo type thing for my blog/shop etc. This is my starting sketch, I will be working with it on my computer.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Today I was just working on the teapots. I threw several spouts; generally I use a different shape, more like a rounded funnel, but I like the idea of the straight cone on these sort of half elipse pots. You can see one of the teapots that I cut the lid on. I actually threw the knob first then used an exacto knive to slowly cut the lid while it was spinning on the wheel (very slowly!). This actually worked remarkably well, though the clay was a tad bit too wet and sticky.
I decided to do a pulled handle for at least one of these guys. I really kind of hate pulling handles, its just takes a while and its messy and I used to mess them up a lot. I think in the last year I have actually figured out how to do it well, but its still messy. My secret for the nice shape: while I'm drying it out I have it draped over a shape similar to what I want it to end up as. In this case, a cd holder turned sideways :P I am pretty durn happy with the way this turned out, and I can't wait to see it carved!
I didnt actually do anything to the lidded jar yet, but it was dry enough to put the lid on, so you can use your imagination :P I will probably trim the edge a bit so it does not stick out so much, I think the pots too short to have such a large overhang.
This is actually an old picture, but I thought it was cute. Kitty was napping in a box of newspapers, and apparently she did not approve of me petting her. She proceded to attack my hand through the box.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Pots and dogs

I also tried my hand at an altered form... I cut the bottom out of this planter and when it had set for 20 min or so I squared it off and put it on a flat sheet for the base. It looks nice in the picture, but it is actually pretty messy. Not sure I will be doing this regularly.
And dogs! All three of the girls were there, which is always fun. they ran around outside most of the time, but then they came in to hang out with me. Addie is at the top, Lorraine is on the left and Mischa on the right. All sweeties!
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